Saturday, April 11, 2009

A few tray times...

Ryan just loves doing tray times. He averages anywhere from 3 - 12 a day, depending on what else is going on that day. If we are home, he is constantly begging to do trays. Who can resist, right? So anyway, I'll try and catch up over the next few days on some of the things we have done. I'm not going to always post the repeats we do - but I do put out a couple of repeat trays each day - things that we've done before (not crafts, but more of the fine motor skill development, some gross motor, reading, coloring, puzzles, worksheets, abc stuff, etc. etc. etc.).

So, one of them was threading cheerios on a piece of yarn using one of my thick yarn needles. He wasn't thrilled with this one - any threading ones really. He got through it b/c we talked about the birds that might eat the cheerios. Unfortunately, we haven't seen any actually eat off of it - and it's time to take the soggy mess down. But, it's one he did well, just not happily. Guess we won't be doing this one again.

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